N uba Relief, Rehabilitation and Development Organization (NRRDO) was established in 1993, as a membership organization following the meeting called by Nuba Advisory Council in the same year.
The exclusion of the Nuba Mountain Region from Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS) mandate was the catalyst that prompted people of Nuba Mountains, Southern Khordofan to look for ways in which the suffering of the people of Nuba Mountains in the SPLM/A controlled areas can be alleviated as well bringing it to the attention of the International Community, hence the birth of NRRDO.
The aim at the time was to publicise the Nuba cause to the outside world while at the same time soliciting and managing humanitarian assistance to the Nuba people.
Nuba Relief, Rehabilitation Development Society (NRRDS) as it was then called started its operations in 1995 by coordinating international NGOs, and journalists in highlighting and bringing to the attention of the outside world the plight of the people of Southern Khordofan/Nuba Mountains.
Among the first international NGOs to respond to requests for assistance was Christian AID in 1994, others such as Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Church of Sweden, Dan church Aid (DCA), Diakonia, Koinenia, and HART.
Since its formation, NRRDO has continued supporting the communities through the civil authorities in the provision of basic as well as some form of development interventions.
NRRDO continued to offer the much-needed basic assistance to the communities of Nuba Mountains/Southern Khordofan, despite the threats and embargoes by the Government of Sudan (GOS) on any humanitarian assistance to SPLM controlled areas of Nuba Mountains. Some of the notable achievements for NRRDO are:
* Participation in the ceasefire agreement signed in 2002 between SPLM and GOS.
* Highlighting the plight of the Nuba Mountains people in a number of international forums.
* Represented the Civil Societies from Nuba Mountains during the Comprehensive Peace Agreements (CPA) negotiations.
* Service delivery to the Nuba people during the war.
Under NRRDO’s structure at the top is the General Assembly. Under the General Assembly are 11 Board of Trustees who are elected by the General Assembly.
Two of the Board of Trustees are from diaspora; one is from Nairobi and eight from Nuba. Under the Board of Trustees is NRRDO’s Secretariat headed by the Executive Director.
Under the Executive Director are the Programme Manager who is in charge of all the programmes and the Finance & Administration Manager who is responsible for Finance, Administration, Logistics and Human Resources.
Under them there are various Sector Heads, heading the following Sectors:
1- Health & HIV/AIDS Sector.
2- Food Security Sector.
3- Women & Gender Sector.
4- Education Sector.
5- Veterinary Sector.
6- Community Development Sector.
7- Governance & Peace Building.
8- Protection sector.
9- Community radio.
10-Emergency and Relief Coordinator.
Finance & Admin Department:
Finance Sector.
Admin & Logistics Sector.
NRRDO Locations:
NRRDO’s Head Office is in Kauda Heiban. There is a Liaison Office in Nairobi.
In Lokichoggio there is a Logistics office run by a Logistician. NRRDO has Sub-Offices in Kurchi, Julud, Tima, Yida, and Juba.
NRRDO’s overall objective is to assist and work in partnership with stakeholders to address community’s needs for re-construction and development.
The specific objectives are follows:
To exert efforts towards relief, rehabilitation of the social and economic infrastructure in the Nuba Mountains;
To promote social awareness and human consciousness among the people of Nuba Mountains that will increase their solidarity among themselves and their compatriots in the marginalized areas of Darfur, and Southern Blue Nile, NRRDO therefore serves as a link between the Nuba the other marginalized people of New Sudan;
To promote the cause of the Nuba people in the international for a with the view of soliciting material and moral support for the Nuba people;
To undertake assignment of real needs of the people in the Nuba Mountains and formulate projects in the fields of health, education, agricultural production with the objective of attaining self-sufficiency, cottage industry, livestock, water and sanitation, that it shall implement jointly with the people in close cooperation with NRRDO donors and partners.
NRRDO envisions a just and equitable society in which all the people of Southern Khordofan/Nuba Mountains State lead a dignified life.
NRRDO exists to improve the livelihoods of poor communities and to promote and defend
The human rights and interest of the people of Southern Kordofan/Nuba Mountains.
NRRDO’s mandate is to:
* Solicit material and financial assistance through appeals, meetings and planning workshops for implementation of projects within Nuba Mountains.
* Maintain strong links with the community that it serves.
* Accept gifts, donations and other assets on behalf of its members and the communities in the Nuba Mountains.
* Design and plan projects, accept, authorize, implement and issue contracts for implementation of projects of the organization.
* Build database and maintenance of records about Nuba Mountains and its operations.
* Build bridges of understanding, cooperation and solidarity between the Nuba people and their compatriots in Darfur, and Southern Blue Nile.
* Appoint persons, indigenous or expatriate on part or full time basis as advisors or specialist to coordinate and direct the work of the organization.
* Collaborate with other organizations with comparable principles and objectives.
NRRDO believes in and value.
* Self-reliance.
* Community based participation.
* Capacity building.
* Our own integrity and that of the people we work with.
* Transparency and accountability.
* Teamwork.
* Effectiveness and efficiency.
* Respect & tolerance for other people.
* Courage of conviction.
* Political and social awareness among the people.
* Social justice, peace and human rights for the people.
NRRDO has a Code of Conduct which a set of rules and guidelines that governs the behaviour of staff.
Staff bind themselves in regards to their work and conduct within a framework.
The functions of the Code of Conduct are:
* To provide a common understanding of NRRDO’s expectations of its staff in regards to ethical conduct;
* Setting guidelines on expected behaviour;
* Re-enforcing standards of expected behaviour;
* Creating awareness on shared values and principles that govern attitude and behaviour;
* To guide staff on how to handle conflicts of interest.
NRRDO has a number of programmes that it is running in Nuba Mountains. These include:
* Food Security;
* Education;
* Gender and Women empowerment;
* Community Development;
* Governance and Peace Building;
* Water;
* Health and Sanitation;
* HIV and AIDS (being a cross cutting issue);
* Rules of law and access to justice.